Our Store is Located in 11504 Lorain Avenue , Just in the Corner of Lorain Avenue and W 115 , the Entrance in open to the W 115 Our work Area in the Back side of the store while our front side open to the Lorain Avenue we are available here 24 hours a day and all the week, We sale Used Tires all sizes and we Mount and Make Balance and Repair Your Tire and treat Leaking Problems, We have this Size 225/65/17 if you are looking for 1 or set of 4 or 2, So We sale and buy used car parts, and so we buy used tires if you have for sale, you can call our cell phone : 478-287-5440 or send text message, to check if we have your size or if you need to reserve or you need to bring for you specific tire size, to look it for you, if you need us to pick your rim from your home or where your car parking or breakdown to change it for you we help you and then we add the picking up amount We sale repair and serve tires as mobile services call or text any time 24 Hours 478-287-5440
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