The Independent Force Movement
It’s a political activity on policy of political parties, Works on the basis of specific laws and constitutions of country whereas the political activity has practiced . IFMENT is the name for absolutely political party, runs and acting through the democratically systems or any legally system uses for political race in the world, IFMENT uses the publically power in order to lead and change towards aims of people, that according to its understandable and ideologies.
IFMENT in any specific country, doesn’t mean only inside the border of country whereas It practices its activities, although the same IFMENT available in every country in the world and consider as a citizen of that country , and work as a legal political activity, It can lead its program and political race only one as a party, and it can lead in political cooperation and alliance within other political activities according to its political strategy.
Wherever IFMENT as fundamentals or political objects, its Maxims concentrated and rounded about as a progressive party work to support and build the society according to pure scientifically ideologies , this direction include, support and concentrate the scientifically researches, and education, and strategically fields, and defeats about these directions in the political areas.
However IFMENT enhances and collect the scientifically and human positions and existence in the political and decisions center of country while help the human to concentrate about its power instead of lost the human gains in useful-less fields, the availability for the same ideology through the world , will be easy to enhance and create huge number of political and scientifically relationships and strategically programs between countries, while that let them avoid huge number of conflicts, in the same time create a trusted links between the producer countries and the raw material areas.

Our Task Is Focusing In To Inhance The Scintifical Progress
إضغط هنا الى كل الأخبار وكل التطورات
For more informations and details visit our network site IFMENT in face Book and Twitter.
if you have any sugustion or you want to sign allince or apply for membership with IFMENT use the contact information a vailable in this site.
although you have all right to start your own IFMENT in your own country but it will be excelent if you contact us first for support and advice ,

Towards protect
Secular & Social

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