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Unicomphilosophy indicates in varity logoges, every logo indicate spacific spasific task although every logo reflect its task in the meaning , but any logo fundamentally includes  at least one item of unicomphilosophy the main logo .

the fundamental main logo of unicomphilosophy is consist of five items , Pen, Telescope , Equal triangle, Horizental line, Eye, every item explain maxzim object and explain fundamental prupose.

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It is the main logo of Unicomphilsophy which include five item Pen, Telescope, Triangle, Horizontal line , Eye, and every item incorporates specific maxzim according to the task , the same items will take place in another task departments or field according to the Task there.



It is the really important and the most complicated logo between the unicomphilosophy logos although all the unicom logos are very important, here are the pen , telescope, Book, eye, Streaks, fifteen pieces of red Diamonds here is the unicom greater than every god and more fact than any religious known in the world this logo tells story of how the world circulating through the generation to move to another generation the story of live , collapse and recreation automatically as naturally

Unicoment salvation

Unicoment salvation

It doesn't different from the unicom creed logo just it but here is no eye, and that mean the top of individual responsibility in front of universal and your self, no one see you if you don't see your self, although we will explain about the unicom creed logos in separate web site in details but you have to know how does unicom creed educate its people to be responsible in personally.

CONSTAR FOUNDATION 001.jpg !st.png

CONSTAR FOUNDATION 001.jpg !st.png





Iff logo.png

Iff logo.png







The Fundamental Pen

 Fundamental Pen

It is an item which incorporates the human experts and experiences in addition history of universal as the natural library and archive for the unicomphilosophy, and the pen is the trusted proof to express where does unicomphilosophy documented form ! by side of that the pen appears for unicomphilosophy as the vin which carry blood of universal experiments from generation to generation , so it is the symbol for every documentation in the universal, as Unicoments we respect the pen as the fundamental instrument for the human history. 

The Fundamental Telescope

 Fundamental Telescope

It is an item an item which incorporates the remote distance for unicomphilosophy power of determination, so reflect effort of unicomphilosophy as over usual explorer for universal environment, the telescope introduces itself as the proof for direct connection with resources of beings in what distances they are !, so the telescope insures that the unicomphilosophy imports its truth from so out of normal human reach but as result of grade human instruments and so it means nothing out of human reach and his instrument has been known as truth till now.  

the fundamental horizone


Fundamental Horizon line  

It incorporates the horizontal distance for the unicomphilosophy , while naturally control the movement of universal, whereas consider the balance example in the natural balancition theory, on the basis of that it is one of the establishing items in the Unicom theories as responsible about the natural need and the natural emptiness and refill through the natural movement, the horizon is let us determine the natural differences while we are in trial to evaluate the natural needs, so it reflect the gigantic of unicomphilosophy.

the fundamental triangle

Fundamental Triangle

It incorporates the three natural distance spots in movement of existence according to the Unicom theories, The current , The generate , The regenerate, and the five remote distances , Ruling, Ruled , Be Rule , Right Rule , Lift Rule, the triangle indicate the exchange between the generate spots and between the rule distance to keep the balance of universal convoy while it indicate the transfer from time to another, it consider as the universal measurement instrument for the unicomphilosophy .


the fundamental look

  Fundamental Look

It incorporates including of unicomphilosophy about the universal, and express its direct care forever and wherever , it reflect important of direct deal with event in the Unicom system, Unicom believes what it seen, and consider what it reach, every imagination, and every dream, and every estimate, it will be consider under the dis-casual level, till pass the experiment wall, which separate the casual level from the desires level , then it will be under direct seen and tough  then Unicom deal with as the truth.             

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