Factual Of Our World Asks
Our World Needs More To Continue Ahead
CAN We Do Something ?
Do We Capable To Do That ?
![]() UNICOMPHILOSOPHY 2018 LOGO wmv.png |
![]() The Main axes of UNICOMPHILOSOPhy.png |
![]() Unicomphilosophy towards 2017 ( Arbic ).png |
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![]() Change in the world 3.png |
![]() Change in the world 1.png |
![]() How or where we will continue.png |
![]() How or where we will continue.png |
![]() Yes We.png |
![]() Unicomphilosophy towards 2017 ( English).png |
![]() Unicomphilosophy towards 2017 ( French ).png |
![]() Unicomphilosophy towards 2017 ( French ).png |
![]() Unicomphilosophy towards 2017 ( Arbic ).png |
![]() Unicomphilosophy towards 2017 ( English).png |
![]() How or where we will continue.png |
![]() Yes We.png |
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The Constar Foundation, is an economic institution, as one of main axes of Unicom philosophy, crystallized as an ideology with the other axes for the Unicom over the last two decades of second millennium, and embodied as an economic system since the beginning of its the first decade, and then entered to world of Internet in 2008 and since then taking its path Towards development, at the electronic and applied level, as a typical of modern economic thought, container for multi-onsetting companies, and specialized economic entities, in order to a promising human future by development, for more on the main site of Canstar.
•Taxi Park is the auction department for the economical Constar Group, or Constar Eco, which expert in the field of online auction and traditional auction outside the Internet, so that everything can be displayed from anywhere in the world so that customers can display their merchandise for bargains, Or buy immediately, or bargain at the price he deems worthy, and as we receive goods from anywhere in the world, the buyer receives his goods anywhere in the world, and according to the conditions and laws that require it, the customer can shipping by himself or shipping to him, according to the international transfer institutions, and deal financially by electronic payment or cash, or by the secured Banking and exchanging agencies, for details you can visit the auction home page
The "Unicom Creed" is a sophisticated total commentaries, in a progressive version , Stems from pure human thought, , as a true vision for the whole universe, in its three manifestations, passed, currently,and probably, that to wording a conscious human, objectivity awareness, by his own existence, and by the universal assets around him , That is, in order to incarnating human beings, confident of their ability to crystallize the existence, in accordance with the universal humanitarian interests, as considered the conscious humanity, is the center of existence, and its sovereignty and power, which are unmatched, irreplaceable, and no transcendent over it,that to ensure the progress of universal human convoy , on the self-confidence, in conscious solidarity, and the complete peace, and the Optimistic reassurance .
من هنا عبر كل الروابط تستطيع الوصول موقع وادي شلاشو الذي يتكون من صفحات عديده و أسواق متنوعه و خدمات أخباريه و منوعات ثقافيه وهي من المواقع الرائده في تطوير المجتمعات المحليه في الدول الناميه و إلحاقها بركب العالم المتقدم.
From here, you can access site of Shlashw Valley, which consists of many pages, diverse markets, news services and cultural diversity. It is one of leading sites in development of communities in developing countries and its integration into the developed world.
De là, vous pouvez accéder au site de Shlashw Valley, qui se compose de nombreuses pages, des marchés diversifiés, des services de nouvelles et de la diversité culturelle. C'est l'un des principaux sites de développement des communautés dans les pays en développement et de son intégration dans le monde développé.
وادي شلاشو
The Cresset Electronic Journal All News And Reports In three Languages
النبراس تربطك بكل القنوات الرئيسيه لأخبار العالم بلغات متعدده
Nebras connects you with all major channels of world news in multiple languages
Nebras vous connecte avec toutes les chaînes principales de l'actualité mondiale en plusieurs langues
Through this link, you will visit the (FOCUSGATE) Forum,the cosmic forum which will link you to the 20 sites on the web for all the important strategic issues in the world where you can share, discuss, propose and improve your personal information on the world issues, while helping others solve their issues.
The Free Sudanese Party (Independent Force Movement) The political party openly defending science, progress, secularism, and atheism, and atheism protected by absolute humanitarian law
حزب السودانيون الأحرار (حركة القوى المستقله) الحزب السياسي المدافع علناً عن العلم و التقدم و العلمانه و اللادينيه، و الإلحاد المحمي بالقانون الإنسانية المطلقه
Future strategies under development
Stratégies futures en développement
إستراتيجيات مستقبليه تحت التطوير
World Mirror Face
Signs from the Political and social cartoons world In expressed pictures, Strategic readings, astounding and funny strategy and may be painful
Advertising pages Your add with us will lead you across the world We will participate in more than 100 sites including all social networking sites in multiple languages.
صفحات الدعايه و الإعلان إعلانك معنا سيقودك عبر العالم سننشرك في أكثرمن مئة موقع يشمل كل مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي بلغات متعدده.
( I.ARGUARD) is an international organization for security, insurance and intelligence purposes in all fields on the electronic and traditional levels, from personal security to the security of countries and international institutions.
(I.ARGUARD) est une organisation internationale dédiée à la sécurité, à l’assurance et au renseignement dans tous les domaines, aux niveaux électronique et traditionnel, de la sécurité personnelle à la sécurité des pays et des institutions internationales.
آي .آر قارد ) منظمة دوليه للأمن و التأمين و أغراض المخابرات في كل المجالات على الصعيد الإلكتروني و التقليدي، من الأمن الشخصي الخاص الى أمن الدول و المؤسسات الدوليه
Site BARFO international humanitarian organization
Site BARFO organisation humanitaire internationale
موقع منظمة بارفو الدوليه متعددة الأغراض الإنسانيه
Add Nthe African Janitors is the African gathering for shielding and facing the negative interventions, in The african countries, namely volunteers for strategic protection and protection of national security in African countries. It includes volunteer representatives from all countries of African continent, and it has an opportunity membership, available on its main page.
The African Janitors est le rassemblement africain pour se protéger et faire face aux interventions négatives dans les pays africains, à savoir des volontaires pour la protection stratégique et la protection de la sécurité nationale dans les pays africains. Il comprend des représentants volontaires de tous les pays du continent africain et est doté d'une opportunité d'adhésion disponible sur sa page
البوابون الأفارقه The African Janitors
المجلس الثوري السوداني
The Sudanese Revolutionary Council
Le conseil révolutionnaire soudanais
المركز الرئيسي لتنمية و تطوير الثورة السودانية المتقدمه و متابعة أنشتطتها الإستراتيجيه للتخطيط و التعبئة الثوريه
كيف يمكننا تطوير الثوره إستراتيجياً كن معنا هنا

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